Cara Downgrade BBM V8 ke BBM V7 (full)

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 30 November 2013 0 komentar
Cara Downgrade BBM V8 ke BBM V7 - Banyak user BlackBerry yang senang karna BBM telah rilis versi terbarunya yang memiliki tampilan yang baik. Tetapi tak sedikit pula User BlackBerry kecewa setelah meng-Upgrade BlackBerry Messenger ke Bbm v8.0.0.94 yang rilis kemarin 13/11/2013. Banyak User BlackBerry yang kecewa setelah upgrade dikarenakan terlalu ribet fiturnya, ada juga yang bilang lemod, lelet. Tak sedikit User Blackberry yang kembali ke BBM v7 (downgrade).

Berikut ini adalah Cara Mengembalikan BBM V7 dari BBM V8.

Silakan download BBM V7 (Original) Link OTA sesuai OS yang Agan pakai melalui browser BlackBerry Agan.

Agan bisa juga langsung menginstal timpa jika agan belum menghapus yang BBM v8. Kemudian segera Restore BB Agan setelah penginstalan selesai.

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OG Youtube Downloader Cara baru download video Youtube di Android

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 29 November 2013 0 komentar
OG Youtube Downloader adalah aplikasi untuk mendownload video youtube oleh pembuatnya Osama Ghareeb adalah satu dari member xdadevelopers.

Fitur dari OG Youtube Downloader

1. Support Pause Resume
2. Support Download semua Kualitas 140p ~ 1080p (mp4, flv, 3gp, mp3)
3. Download beberapa video secara bersamaan
4. Dll


- Versi 1 (v7)
Package name:
Agan dapat menginstal versi ini tanpa menghapus versi original dari youtube

- Versi 2 (v8.00)
Package name:
Di versi ini agan harus menghapus versi original dari youtube


OG Youtube V7 Disini 
OG Youtube V8 Disini 

Support dan selengkapnya :

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"O Mundo de Mikey" and Bitcoins

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

It is now possible to support "O Mundo de Mikey".

As you can see, O Mundo de Mikey does not have intrusive auto play videos, ads or banner that annoy most of the Internet users. Although the objective of this blog is is not to make money, in most of the articles a lot of time is spent in research and in writing...

... So if you enjoyed reading the articles at "O Mundo de Mikey", please consider tipping me using Bitcoin. By tipping you are not only making my continued efforts possible but you are also telling me that you liked what you read.

 O Mundo de Mikey Bitcoin Address: 1CZMXfdyJzquJaagpHixzizuN2SxFbefTP

What are Bitcoins?
The Bitcoin is a form of currency without notes and coins, it is a digital currency.

What Is So Special About the Bitcoin System?
The Bitcoin is a system which allows you to do anonymous currency transactions and no one will come to know about the payment or about all other info related to the payment, including who sent it, who received it, etc. Essentially, people can do money transactions and no authority or organization will come to know about it.

How do you use Bitcoins then?
Bitcoins are kept in a digital wallet which you can keep in your computer, or on a website online, which will manage and secure your wallet for you. You can have as many wallets and bitcoin addresses (where you receive money from others) as you like.

How many people are using this?
At this very moment, 10.71 million Bitcoins are in existence, which is like 207.929 million USD worth! In one day, more than 45,000 transactions of a total of BTC 2.5 million (worth of USD48.5 million) is handled by the bitcoin network.

The Bitcoin system is being quickly adopted. BTC1 having a worth of USD6 a year ago is now worth of USD19+. Security experts and digital freedom enthusiasts praise Bitcoin system for being a one-of-the-kind system that opens doors to possibilities. Because of its guaranteed anonymity feature, it’s used by people who are concerned of their privacy. As no authority can trace the transactions, this also lead to misuse of the system for example, in illegal work. But just because it can be used for illegal purposes, does not mean we should do it.

So please consider tipping and share your appreciation for O Mundo de Mikey by tipping using Bitcoin.O Mundo de Mikey Bitcoin Address: 1CZMXfdyJzquJaagpHixzizuN2SxFbefTP. Thank you for your support!

Bitcoin information:  
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Membuat Widget AccuWeather Transparan Galyoung S6310

Posted by Unknown 2 komentar
Cara membuat widget Accuweather transparan di Galaxy Young S6310 (ODEX). Hal yang harus diperhatikan HH Agan harus sudah Root dan menginstal aplikasi Root Xplorer.

Siapkan bahannya
2. Download Root Explorer apk Disini
3. Download Widget Accuweather Transparent Disini

Ikuti Stepnya
1. Buka Root Xplorer
2. Pindahkan file AccuWeatherWidget.apk ke folder System/App/disini (ingat dipindah saja, Jangan di instal) Otomatis akan menimpa AccuWeatherWidget.apk yang asli menjadi AccuWeatherWidget.apk.bak
3. Ubah permision AccuWeatherWidget.apk menjadi rw-r-r (jika sudah abaikan saja)

4. Restore HH agan
5. Coba cek di menu Widget agan, drop ke menu Home screen agan

6. Done

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Global Human Resource Management

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 27 November 2013 0 komentar

When we talk about Global Strategy in organizations, we must highlight a key factor that this is efficiently implemented: Human Resources. There are four important points/topics in regards to Global Human Resource Management:
  1. Delegation of Personnel Functions – Global Wheel of Human Resources;
  2. Management of Expatriation: career management of global managers;
  3. Location: need to recruit and motivate local staff;
  4. Global Capacity Development: Necessity to develop appropriate skills for global management.
Global Human Resource Management
When we highlight the Delegation of Personnel Functions by the "Global Wheel of Human Resources” it should be noted that in the centre of the wheel are the centres of decision/headquarters, where the Board of Directors and key managers are located in an aligned manner with the support of their staff. It must also be noted that this wheel is made up of countries where the organization operates, these countries being supported by three categories of staff:
  1. Local managers and staff - this category is based on a subsidiary level. The career and function essentially correspond to local businesses;
  2. Global Managers - In this category, the hiring process and the careers are based on different countries while the managers are called "global managers" or "international managers" (name that appears in place of "expatriate managers", this termination has been disappearing);
  3. Temporary staff - These are referred as "isolated" staff and they do not have such a great connection with the company.
The profile and the characteristics of the human resources are not the same in an organization adopting a posture of global strategy from an organization operating in a multi-domestic model. So when an organization operates in a Model of Global Strategy, there are more global and multi-cultural managers, local managers can go for a global career and it will be more frequent that staff is transferred to other subsidiaries, as well to other decision centres. In a Multi-Model Domestic, global managers are few and most of them come from a single nationality, move from place to place but usually in top positions and local staff performs their careers within their own country and its subsidiary, although they may occasionally go to other subsidiaries intend to support or learn something. Another key topic portrays the Management of expatriation. Normally expatriate staff is integrated into two categories:
  • Expatriates with  Nationality of the Country of Origin, whose nationality is the same as the parent company;
  • Expatriates of Different Nationality.
The 4 F's
When we talk about expatriation we have to take account the successes and failures of expatriation. As causes of the success we have the support, recognition and recognition of the tasks performed. While as causes of failure there is the inability to adapt, family problems, personal or emotional immaturity, inability to cope with the responsibility, among others.
However, the management of expatriation brings us to a process that we must take into account the Acculturation. The Acculturation is a procedure by which elements of a culture adapt to a different culture. Acculturation can take different attitudes, also known as "4 F's":
  1. The Flight attitude is adopted when a person wants to preserve their cultural and when confronted with a new cultural environment the person goes into isolation;
  2. The Fight attitude has some similarities to Flight attitude however, instead of the person to isolate and retract, it criticizes the environment in which they enter and claim the superiority of their culture;
  3. The Fit attitude describes people who are able to immerse themselves in the local culture and at the same time able to preserve their culture;
  4. The Follow attitude shows the readiness of people to adopt the local cultures and assimilate willingly the host environment. There is a tendency to gradually lose contact with the origins and difficulty in balancing the global and local requirements.
For the company, the cost of firing expatriate staff is two or three times greater than the same measure when taken with personnel in the country of origin. Given this situation, companies should establish a coherent set of policies and practices that maximize the benefits of expatriation both for the company and for its employees. Such measures should include 6 very important components, such as:
  1. Strategic Vision
  2. Preparation and Selection
  3. Compensation
  4. Mandate
  5. Support
  6. Promotion in career
Another important item regarding to the Global Human Resource Management aspect is the location. Although expatriate managers (in the place of origin of the company), are considered as vital sources of communication and knowledge transfer in terms of the global network of business units, the competitiveness of companies operating globally is directly dependent on loyalty of human resources recruited locally by the company. The location of managers and support staff helps global companies to break the language barrier that is created and to establish a deeper relationship with the existing network of personal and business contacts.
The location aspect has several advantages for companies that practice. Among which we can highlight the reduction in costs with the placement of personnel from the country of origin into the new established countries, but also entails additional costs as: housing, travel, expenditure on the process of adaptation to the country, language courses, among others.
The practice of this form of recruitment, allows the company to have a more global view of the existing human resources market, as it is not restricted only to the country of origin. This thought allows us to consider the company as framed with the statement “Think global act local”.

Global Development Capabilities/Competencies
The last item with respect to the Global Human Resource Management is the Global Development Capabilities/Competencies. The era of global managers ended, manage ceased to be an individual task to become a three part challenge. Given the constant change and volatility of transnational corporations we cannot speak on the existence of global managers, but three groups of experts: Business Managers, Country Managers and Functional Managers.
  1. The Business Managers operate in global business units, dealing with higher scales of efficiency and competitiveness, which promotes a global scale. In this group of managers are required to have a vision of the business as a whole. They are the planners and coordinators whose role outline the strategy of the organization, configure resources and coordinate international transactions;
  2. The National Managers operate through local subsidiaries, thus the range of action is managed within each country. Their role involves to satisfy the needs of local consumers, comply with the local government requirements, and to defend the market position against local and foreign competitors. That is to say, the national managers must know how to analyse threats and local opportunities, build local capacity and resources, as well as contribute and actively participate in global strategy;
  3. Finally, the Functional Managers operate at the level of the central services of the company (or at a regional level). They need to ensure that the best technology and best practices are transferred to the business in all the countries, therefore the Functional Managers need to coordinate the flow of learning. The knowledge transfer must be accomplished through informal networks for exchanging information, creating specialized and updated information channels.

In short, the success of global strategies is largely due to (1) the quality of people that are in the basis of its implementation and (2) the overall management requires a total involvement, development and deployment of the staff.


If you enjoyed reading this article, please consider tipping me using Bitcoin. Bitcoin Address: 1CZMXfdyJzquJaagpHixzizuN2SxFbefTP

See also:

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Membuat menu layar lanscape pada Galyoung S6310

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 20 November 2013 0 komentar
Membuat menu layar lanscape pada Galyoung S6310 -  hal yang perlu diperhatikan:

1. Akses root pastilah
2. Download Xposed Disini
3. Download App Settings Disini

1. Instal Xposed dan App Settingnya
2. buka Xposed
3. tap ke bagian modules, ceklis di app setting
4. tap ke bagian Framework, instal/update
5. tunggu hingga selesai lalu reboot hpnya.
6. buka app settings
7. cari touchwiz depan
8. ubah Orientation menjadi Normal Rotation
9. kalo uda save dan reboot HH nya.

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Cara mengaktifkan ON/OFF Sound Camera Galyoung S6310

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Mengaktifkan ON/OFF Sound Camera Samsung Galaxy Young S6310 - Langsung saja, hal yang perlu di perhatikan HH harus dalam keadaan root dan menginstal aplikasi root explorer.

1. Cara Root Samsung Galaxy Young S6310
2. Download Root Explorer

Ikuti stepnya dibawah ini.

1. Buka Root Explorer
2. masuk ke /system/csc/Others.xml
3. hold, kemudian pilih open as text editor
4. paste script dibawah


tepat sebelum script


5. Save kemudian exit.
6. Rebot HH. Done

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Cara menggunakan fitur Screenshot pada Samsung Galaxy Young S6310

Posted by Unknown Senin, 18 November 2013 0 komentar
Cara membuat screenshot pada samsung galaxy s6310. Banyak aplikasi untuk membuat screenshot pada android, tetapi untuk apa menginstal banyak aplikasi kalau fiturnya pun sudah tersedia?

Berikut ini adalah cara menggunakan fitur screenshot/snapshot pada Galaxy Young S6310.

1. Siapkan layar yang akan di buat screenshot.
2. Tekan tombol Home dan Power secara bersamaan beberapa detik sampai terdengar dan terlihat suara jepretan pada layar.
3. Hasil jepetan akan tersimpan di Galery pada sdcard.

Mudah bukan cara menggunakan fitur screenshot pada handheld Android Galaxy Young S6310 (Jelly Bean). Silakan share ke teman-teman!

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New Android KitKat, yum-yum!

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 01 November 2013 0 komentar
Do you love KitKat! Sure you do! ;-)
And so you should definitely check out the latest released Android version 4.4 named KitKat.

It brings a lot of improvements and new features. And finally, the long awaited native support for printing is also hereAndroid apps can now discover available printers, choose specific pages to print, change size of paper and print almost any kind of documents over Wi-Fi or cloud-hosted services. Sounds cool, doesn't it?

All new staff introduced by Android 4.4 is described in details here:

Before targeting API 19 (Android 4.4) with you app make sure that you aware of the important API changes from KitKat:
There are several really important changes. For example, now only the default SMS app receives the SMS_DELIVER_ACTION broadcast when the user receives an SMS message.

Android Support Library revision 19 is already available and brings backward-compatible support for external Storage APIs, Print APIs, drag-to-open user interface support for pop-up menus and more!

Google Play Services were also updated to 4.0:

Android team member Roman Nurik highlighted several design related key points of his Android Design in Action: New in Android 4.4 talk. Finally we have a built-in support for Android device screen recording via adb! Woohoo! ^__^

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